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What You Need to Know When Attending a Military Wedding

Almost 2.5 million weddings take place in the United States every year. Of those, a number will no doubt be military weddings as our servicemen and women tie the knot. If you’re lucky enough to be invited to a military ceremony, you’ll want to be sure you’re observing proper protocol.

If you’re planning to attend a military wedding ceremony, we’ve got you covered. This guide will tell you what you need to know to respect these traditions.

What to Wear to a Military Wedding

At a military wedding, the bride or groom has the option of wearing their ceremonial uniforms. This will often be dress blues in the winter and dress whites in the summer for black-tie events. If either is an officer, they can opt to wear evening dress uniform only if the wedding is a white-tie event.

Wedding party members and guests who serve in the military should see their attire is the same level of formality. Uniforms vary from branch to branch, but the formality should be the same.

Brides can choose to wear traditional dresses. They might also select among Army wedding dresses.

Guests who are not in the military should dress appropriately for the formality of the event. It is best to choose conservative attire.

Ranks Dictate Seating

Be respectful of seating arrangements at a military wedding. Dress blues wedding rules dictate where members of the military should sit.

Commanding officers sit near the front during the ceremony. During the reception, military members are seated by rank. Some couples will consider seating members of the military together at a table of honor.

You’ll Go to the Military Chapel

The location of the event might also be different from other weddings. Military weddings usually take place at a military chapel. They’re often performed for free by a military chaplain.

There are special rules for a military chapel. For example, couples must ask the chaplain for permission to bring in their own flowers.

Photographers must also get permission to take pictures during the ceremony. Guests and photographers alike should note if the event is a no-photo zone.

Many songs will be “too secular” for the ceremony, therefore, expect a very traditional arrangement during a naval officer wedding.

Swords, Sabers, and Rifles

Military wedding protocol requires some members of the military to carry a weapon. White gloves and swords are required for the Navy and the Coast Guard. Those in the Army and the Marines are expected to carry sabers.

The couple may decide to have a saber arch. This is formed by honor guards and the couple passes under as they enter and exit the ceremony.

Do Your Research Before You Go

There are many other protocols and traditions for a military wedding. Depending on the couple, there may be a blend of military tradition and more secular practice.

If you’re unsure, study up on your wedding etiquette or ask the couple. It’s better to be a respectful guest than one who’s out of line.

Wedding Details is your comprehensive guide to all aspects of your wedding. From traditional ceremonies to questions regarding the guests, our website offers you one place to do all your research.