Dear Edith
My son is getting married next summer. My daughter in-law to be has informed me that her relitives that are comming from out of state are being invited to the grooms dinner. I was under the impression that the grooms dinner was for the wedding party, and parents and grandparent. Am I supposed to be in charge of the price and place? I am being told what I should be doing. Please help me, I dont want to cause any problems, but I live on a fixed income and can’t afford what she wants to do.
Yes, my dear it is true that out of town guests are often invited to the rehearsal dinner. However, you do have some options if you care to consider them, but have your son duscuss this with the bride to be.
You can plan to have a casual as opposed to a formal sit down rehearsal dinner, which may be less expensive. Or you can have a friend offer to host the out of town guests at a cocktail party instead, or sometimes people arrange to have a “hospitality suite” where the guests are staying and have a friend in charge act as hostess. Here you could serve light refreshments and beverages. Good luck, and I hope this helps!